YuckWork - FAQs
You Have A Question..We Have The Answer.

We can't wait to hear from you! Call us today and let us help you find what you're looking for.
1. What is a Virtual Assistant?
(VA) A VA is an individual who provides office support to businesses or individuals from an off-site location. Information is typically shared via email, fax, telephone, etc. VA's like many of their clients are business owners themselves; they own and operate their virtual company. Often, a VA will become a behind-the-scenes partner with their clients, handling such tasks as administrative support, bookkeeping, scheduling etc.
2. What services are offered by Virtual Assistants (VAs)?
VAs offer a wide variety of services. Here are some samples: Graphic Design, Social Media Management, Client correspondence, Accounting Services, Travel Arrangements, Business Coaching, Research, Concierge Services, Secretarial Support, Billings, Office Management and many more. For a complete list of services that YUCKWORK offers see my Services/Fees page.
3. Why would I use a Virtual Assistant (VA) instead of a temp agency?
Unlike with a temp agency, your VA works for YOU. Typically a VA has several years of experience in his/her field. A VA's goal is to help your company grow. Beyond that VAs have a vested interest in your success. When you succeed - we succeed. You can use the same VA for all of your needs. With a temp agency you may get a different temp each time you need their help. With a VA you are able to develop a long-term working relationship.
4. What are the benefits of hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA) as opposed to an employee?
There are numerous benefits: No employee taxes, benefits or insurance, no OSHA issues or jeopardy of lawsuits. Maybe your company only needs 10 hours worth of support each week. You would have to pay someone part-time or full-time and scramble to keep them busy to justify their expense. Possibly you have seasonal work overloads and only need assistance for a few months out of the year. The wonderful benefit of a VA is the working relationship is tailored to fit your needs.
5. How much do Virtual Assistants (VAs) charge?
VAs generally charge by the hour, at rates ranging from $25-$45. Many offer hourly discounted rates for clients on a monthly retainer contract. Some projects are flat fee based. At first glance this may appear to be a high rate. Look at the "real cost" of employees: statistics show that employees actually cost 2 to 2 1/2 times their rate of pay when you factor in the cost of recruitment, base salary, employment taxes, mandatory insurance benefits, paid vacation, paid holidays, sick days, equipment and training. Don't forget the "more difficult" to price variables, time lost on socializing, the risk of lawsuits, personality conflicts, etc. You are sure to pay significantly less for a virtual assistant with several years of experience.
6. Who can benefit from using a Virtual Assistant (VA)?
The amazing part of virtual assistance is that almost everyone can benefit from using a VA. A large company may find using a VA for any overflow work to be useful or maybe instead of 3 secretaries they may need to only employ 1 or 2 and have a VA do the rest. A small company may use a VA for all of their billings, collections, marketing, accounting, etc. needs. A busy individual may use a VA to help them plan a special event. This may include, for example, everything from booking the room, ordering the food, coordinating travel, creating invitations, etc. A college student may use a VA to type their 25 page research paper. VAs are typically very skilled typists. This may prove to be a great time saver for a busy college student who doesn't possess great typing skills or speed. Almost anyone can benefit from using a VA. Contact me to find out how you can benefit from using a VA.
7. Do I need to use a local VA?
No. The beauty of your assistant being virtual is location doesn't impact our ability to do our jobs. The work is distributed via email, fax, telephone or in some cases US Postal service. The location of your business or the location of your VA has no impact on the services that are available to you. If your company relocates - - we simply relocate with you! There will be no need to recruit, hire and train a new employee. This can be a great cost saving benefit to you or your company!
8. Tell me more about YUCK WORK (YW).
My favorite question! YUCK WORK is owned and operated by Ta-Tanysha Rosby. I am a Virtual Assistant dedicated to your needs. I bring to the table several years of marketing and administrative support, project & artist management, creative director and campaign coordination and skills in multiple software programs and editing platforms.
YW accepts clients on an hourly, monthly retainer basis, or a project by project basis.
We offer discounted rates for those clients on a monthly retainer basis.
YW also has a great referral bonus. For anyone who is referred to YW and work
is generated from that referral, you will receive between 1 and 2 hours of YW assistance FREE.
That is a $25 - $50 referral bonus!